
12. The AI Winter

"The AI Winter: A History of Overhyped Promises and Limitations" Table of Contents Back in the 1970s and 1980s, scientists were trying to make computers think and learn like humans. They called this artificial intelligence (AI) research. But they faced some big challenges, and it didn't go very smoothly. They called this difficult time the AI winter. One of the reasons for the AI winter was that the early computer programs they made for AI were too simple. Scientists thought these programs could do things that only humans could do, like understand language, solve problems, and make decisions. But the programs weren't advanced enough, and they couldn't handle complicated tasks. This made the scientists and the people who gave them money feel disappointed. Another problem was that the AI programs didn't work well when they were used on big and complicated systems. They were good for small things, but not for big ones. The computers at that time didn't

11. The Birth of AI - Exploring the Transformative Journey of AI

"From The Late 19th Century Automating Mathematical Calculations to Modern AI: The Journey of Electronic Computers and Early Pioneers of AI" Table of Contents The invention of electronic computers is a really big deal in human history! Electronic computers are special devices that can do lots of things with information. They can take it in, work on it, keep it safe, and even send it to other places. They are super important in many different industries like healthcare, money, learning, and fun! A bunch of really smart people worked together for many years to make these machines. Some of the very first ones were mathematicians like Charles Babbage and Claude Shannon, and engineers like Tommy Flowers, John Mauchly, and J. Presper Eckert. They were like superheroes of their time! Nowadays, electronic computers are everywhere, and we need them for almost everything in our lives. They are like our best buddies that help us do so many cool things! Another really cool thing is artif

9. Brief history of AI - When did AI first begin? Who first developed AI? How did AI evolve?

"From Ancient Myths to Deep Learning: A Compact History of Artificial Intelligence (AI)" Table of Contents Long ago, even before our grandparents were born, people imagined amazing things. They told stories and myths about clever beings that looked just like us but were created by humans or even gods. These beings could think and learn, just like we do! But the real adventure of artificial intelligence (AI) began a long time after those stories. It started in the middle of the twentieth century when smart people invented something very special called computers. They also made a new field of study called computer science. In the year 1956, a group of these smart people got together at a place called Dartmouth Workshop. They had a big dream—to create machines that could be as smart as humans! They wanted these machines to learn and think just like us. After the workshop, AI research grew really fast. The government and companies gave them lots of money to make their dream come

10. Early Beginnings of AI - Unraveling the Fascinating History of Automata

" Tracing the Origins of Intelligent Machines: From Ancient Greece to Modern-Day AI and Machine Learning" Table of Contents Long, long ago, in ancient Greece, people had stories and traditions about clever machines. These machines were very smart and could think and move on their own! Some of the earliest machines were the abacus and the Jacquard loom, which helped people with calculations and weaving. In Greek myths, there were tales about gods and goddesses who made their own special machines. One of them was Hephaestus, who created automaton servants that could do all kinds of tasks. They were like magical robots! But it wasn't just the Greeks who had amazing machines. In ancient China, they had the abacus, which helped with counting and math. And in France, there was the Jacquard loom, which made weaving much easier. These were the beginnings of clever machines! As time went on, people kept inventing and using automata. In the Middle Ages, some used these machines for