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11. The Birth of AI - Exploring the Transformative Journey of AI

"From The Late 19th Century Automating Mathematical Calculations to Modern AI: The Journey of Electronic Computers and Early Pioneers of AI" Table of Contents The invention of electronic computers is a really big deal in human history! Electronic computers are special devices that can do lots of things with information. They can take it in, work on it, keep it safe, and even send it to other places. They are super important in many different industries like healthcare, money, learning, and fun! A bunch of really smart people worked together for many years to make these machines. Some of the very first ones were mathematicians like Charles Babbage and Claude Shannon, and engineers like Tommy Flowers, John Mauchly, and J. Presper Eckert. They were like superheroes of their time! Nowadays, electronic computers are everywhere, and we need them for almost everything in our lives. They are like our best buddies that help us do so many cool things! Another really cool thing is artif